Sunday, January 26

The Roomie Bucket List

Last night, two of my roomies needed rescuing on Whyte Ave.  My other roomie and I happened to be laying on the couch, hugging hot water bottles, watching reruns of 2 Broke Girls (typical Saturday night...) so happily went to save the day, to-go mug of coffee (it wasn't coffee) included.  During our drive, I was talking about how excited I am to soon be crossing off one of the top things on my Bucket List later this year.  This lead to the discussion that we are hermits (example above) and rarely even experience the wonderful things that our own home has to offer, never mind the rest of the world.  We came up with the fun idea to make a sort of Things to Do While We Still Live Together List.  When we met up with our stranded roomies, we found ourselves in the parking lot of Ice on Whyte.  Regardless that we were dressed in our nobody will see us because we are sitting at home all night clothes, we took it as the perfect opportunity to begin crossing things off our list.  We filled in the other roomies of our idea, which they also love, so away we went (actually we sort of date crashed but whatever).
// the slide was the only thing worth taking a picture of // Lesley looks like a hair goddess // 
Dave and his sister wives //

To be fair, we really underestimated the effects of mother nature lately.  Ice on Whyte didn't so much as have beautiful ice sculptures as it did melty lumps with bright lights strategically placed behind them.  Except for the slide; the slide was good... well it was ok. The slide was average but not slippery because it was mid-melting so you got covered in slosh... but not terrible.  Point being, we will have to revisit Ice on Whyte once the temperature drops and ice can actually be formed into something, and we don't have to ruin our Uggs by walking around in mud.
Once we all returned home, we decided it was time to make our super sweet list.  Here is what we came up with which includes things that at least one of us had never done:

Ice on Whyte Redo
Silver Skate Festival
Tubing at Sunridge
Colour Me Rad
Taste of Edmonton
Fort Edmonton Park
High Level Bridge Street Car
Queen River boat ride
Live show at the Starlite Room
Celebrate Canada Day with the pancake breakfast, parade, and fireworks
Pets in the Park
Muttart Conservatory
Bar hopping on Jasper Ave
Picnic at the Legislative grounds and tour
Calgary Stampede
Heritage Days
Folk Fest
Movie on the Square
Blues Fest
Whitemud Amusement Park
Elk Island National Park
Weekend in Banff and visit a hot spring
Rundle park to play frolf (frisbee golf), go on paddle boats, and play tennis
Kayaking at Pyramid Lake
Our dogs' wedding 
(the one I am MOST excited for and if no one shows up I will be so sad that I'll probably light my house on fire)

Right?!?!  We are going to have so much fun doing these things.  I. Can't. Wait.  Also, I love lists.

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Lauren Kent

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